Monday, January 24, 2011

Book Reading #3 - HCI Remixed Microblogs

Chapter 1 - My Vision Isn’t My Vision: Making a Career Out of Getting Back to Where I Started
This story was about one man's experience of creating music with a computer for the first time. The tools given were intuitive and possible for him to use with minimal training

The point of this chapter was basically just to show that the computer in question was quite complicated a device in order to digitally synthesize music for him. However, he found that even not knowing about the computer, he came for a weekend and wrote a piece

Chapter 4: Drawing on SketchPad: Reflections on Computer Science and HCI
The author talks about the many innovative ideas that came out with SketchPad that were badly needed and are used in the evolution of programming to today. He lists several examples such as human's need to point to things, object oriented programming, etc.

I do not disagree with the author in the slightest. I agree that the examples he gives are severely important to the future of computer interfaces as long as he correctly attributed these characteristics to this program.

Chapter 5: The Mouse, the Demo, and the Big Idea
This article was about one man's experience when it came to the idea and showing that idea off. He relished the original mouse and how good the demo was.

The author talks up the idea that hype need not be in a pitch, only proof. I think he just wants these demos to inspire the one's watching and get fired up by the presenter's idea.

Chapter 18: Observing Collaboration: Group-Centered Design
This was another list of the different ideas that were thought of when creating different collaboration based products.

I think this article just reveals the flaws that exist in trying to make collaboration software. There needs to be some evolution in this regard before work can get better. However, it is good now in that sharing can be done much quicker.

Chapter 20: Taking Articulation Work Seriously
Again this chapter continues to talk about group work and how software will work in the mix.

CSCW is talked about and discussed. I don't have any disagreements with this article however.

Chapter 23: Video, Toys, and Beyond Being There
The article makes the analogy of how technology is a wonderful surrogate to a lot of things but does not break into the real life experience of an event.

The author will repeatedly talk about how these technologies are awesome in their own right but they are not "being there". This I could not agree with more as I believe there is just different processing when it comes real life experiences and watching video.

Chapter 24: A Simulated Listening Typewriter: John Gould Plays Wizard of Oz
Chris Schmandt talks about his experience working with new speech processing systems in the early days and what it was like.

This paper was simply to show what the early research was like with speech processing and recognition. In the early days it was harder for research to be done because the price for hardware was quite high.

Chapter 25: Seeing the Hole in Space
In this article, the comparison of video telecommunication to art was proposed and the similarities and benefits it brings forth.

The comparison in this article is an interesting one how the creative side meets the technical side. I liked the idea of the comparison but did not quite agree fully with the overall argument.

Chapter 26: Edward Tufte’s 1 + 1 = 3
A simple article in which fixes are proposed in order to create a space of neatness and cleanliness.

Again the proposed fixes are good ones and much time should be spent on how layouts should be done to please the audience.

Chapter 27: Typographic Space: A Fusion of Design and Technology
Jodi Forlizzi writes about the synergy with early technology and design products. How the first design systems came about before technology was thought of in that way.

She researched the psychological aspect of different typographies and various other design objects with the help of technology. This brought much help in the HCI world.

Chapter 28: Making Sense of Sense Making
This article is the discussion of how computers are past memory banks but also another task must be achieved to have this be helpful, sense making from this data.

The author goes through some key points about what would and wouldn't help with this process. The inundation of data in this time is ridiculous and there needs to be processing of it to make it beneficial.

Chapter 34: Revisiting an Ethnocritical Approach to HCI: Verbal Privilege and Translation
This article spoke about the ethnography and the author's pursuit of it in relation to Native Americans. Also it revealed problems when it came to dealing with smaller less organized cultures when it came to the HCI realm.

I found this article to be interesting on his relating to HCI.

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