Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog post 0; The not really blog post

Alright so to start off the brand new blog lets get to some question answering:
Email: lukeroberts (at) tamu (dot) edu
Class standing: 4th year Senior

Why am I taking this class? Well I am glad you asked because to put it technically, I need this elective to graduate. I choose the "Information" track area of electives to complete and I read all the descriptions of the classes I could take. This led me to CSCE 436 which I thought was interesting and frankly different than anything I have taken so far.

What experience do I bring to the class? So far all I bring to the table for this class is some programming knowledge. I am creative when it comes to music and other things, but I have not tried to be creative in the area of interfacing. Very willing to start now though.

What do I expect to be doing in 10 years? I do not believe that anyone can truly plan for a length of time as long as 10 years. However, if I only used the current me as the basis for arguing then I have a certain desire for my future life. I wish to be able to have a job that does not require me to be location specific. In other words I want to travel wherever and whenever I please and work from that place. Also, I hope to have some sort of VC start-up idea to get off the ground and be able to support me.

What do I think will be the next biggest technological advancement in computer science? I have large doubts it will be the next biggest, but I believe that the quantum computer and subsequently quantum programming will be such a huge advancement that it will change the world in every regard to technology.

If I could travel back in time, who would I like to meet and why? Assuming that traveling back in time would not create any paradoxes or change history then I would go back and meet any famous classical composer (e.g. Chopin, Rachmaninov, etc.) I want to see their thought process and also just the "normal" lives they lived.

What is my favorite style of mustache and why? My favorite style would be the pencil thin mustache because something interesting always comes from a person with that kind of style.

If I could be fluent in any foreign language that I'm not already fluent in, which one would it be and why? I would want to learn Mandarin. I think that learning a romantic languages would be relatively easy to do but an asian derivative language would require tireless work. Also, China is the fastest growing location in the world.

An interesting fact: I can play any kind of clarinet, any kind of saxophone, the dijeridoo, and the bagpipes.

And of course a photo; nothing like grape juice in the morning:

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